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Feminist Middle East
Under Western Eyes

Sara Eftekharzadeh
Carrie Bradshaw: Feminist or Orientalist?
The Sex and the City series and sequel movies capture the lives of four white, heterosexual, upper-middle-class women living in New York...

Feeman Pirzada
The Silencing of Revolution
Orientalist Discourses & the Fetishization of Kurdish Women “‘Angelina Jolie of Kurdistan’ dies fighting ISIS in Syria” marked the...

Cadence Lawrence
Cardi B in Veil
Music has been embedded within society as a way for individuals to express themselves. However, the discourse around media in the Western...

June Scowit
Reproducing Islamophobia: Weaponizing Violence Against Women
The existence of patriarchy is widely observed in various countries across diverse regions of the world. Within distinct societies, there...

Elliot F. Mohammed
Discursive Weapons in the Genocide of Gaza
On 26 October 2023 Business Insider (BI) reported on Yoav Atzmoni, a self-identified gay Israeli soldier engaged in the genocide in Gaza....

Sara Eftekharzadeh
Carrie Bradshaw: Feminist or Orientalist?
The Sex and the City series and sequel movies capture the lives of four white, heterosexual, upper-middle-class cis-women living in New...

Sophia Bannon
Repackaging Orientalist Fantasies: Pop Culture Representations
In this post, I will analyze the commodification of Muslim women in Western media, through the representation of Nadia, a Muslim woman in...

Devin Cottrell
Iron Man 3 and the Middle East: A Critical Analysis of Misrepresentation
This critical analysis delves into the intricate layers of the film, particularly its portrayal of the Middle East, unearthing a tangled...

Francesca Comisso
Laura Bush’s Radio Address
On October 7, 2001, in response to the 9/11 attacks, the United States invaded Afghanistan, thus commencing the War on Terror. A month...

Helen Batchoun
Obsessions with Freedom, Binaries and “Subjugation”
Discussions about women’s agency, religion, “freedom” and feminism(s) can be centered around different topics and perspectives. Sometimes...
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